I am thankful for my health as well as my families health. Besides my brother's heart issues- we have all been very healthy this year. This year there seems to be an outbreak of cancer going around and I know that it is not contagious but it just seems like there is alot of it affecting people that I know. My papa died about 6 months ago from it, and another man at church, died shortly after that as well. I know that there are several out there that are fighting cancer right now, and to all them my thoughts and prayers go out to Jolie, Jason, Adam, Robert, and to your families during this hard time.
I am thankful for the strong, sound church that I attend. Being raised in this church I think that I just assumed that every Church of Christ was the same way. But after moving off and having to attend a different one, I realized how important elders, a full-time preacher, and church discipline is. And I am sooo thankful for being under a group of elders that are strong, sound, stand firm in the truth, and will practice church discipline. And for a preacher that isn't afraid to step on a few toes to say the truth. Who isn't afraid of addressing the big issues such as marriage, divorce, and remarriage, drinking, dancing, forsaking the assembly, etc., as well as addressing the "small issues" such as gossip, lying, musical instruments or hand clapping during worship, etc..
I am thankful for being part of a christian family. Most of my family on my dad's side are strong, faithful Christians. A few years ago it was all of my dad's side- but we have a few that have fallen away, and some who are as Jason Rollo calls it "glad-handing" them. I am sad for those who have gone astray and for those who aren't as strong as they used to be. And while I am sad and disappointed at some, I am more proud and happier for those who remain strong and faithful.
I am thankful for being a mother. I love every aspect of being a mom: pregnancy, labor, changing diapers, smiles, cries, laughs, fights, hugs, kisses, all the "firsts", teaching, etc. I could go on forever with everything that I love. And though at times it is very stressful, annoying, and frustrating, at the end of the day when you have put that last child to bed, all of those feeling go away and you start a new day all over again. I am thankful for Chase in that he is very sensitive, and wanting to do what is right all the time, and has remorse whenever he does something hes not suppose too. I am thankful for Kori for her willingness to learn new things, and at very seldom times she can be the most sweetest, caring little girl that I know. And I am thankful for Reef for his happiness, for being way over excited about the little things, and to put a smile on my face almost all of the time.
Those are just a few things that I am very thankful for this year. Hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and travels safely to their destinations and back.
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