Well we have been quite busy since school started that I haven't had any time to write so while Reef is sleeping and the kids are watching cartoons I think I will try to get in a few words. Chase is loving Kindergarten- he is learning new stuff everyday- lots of sight words, how to tie his shoes, math, etc. I enjoy watching him come home and tell me about what he has learned that day, but he seems to be more obsessed with who gets in trouble or not. His teacher, Mrs. McVay, has a train of green bears with all the kids name on each bear. If they get in trouble she will write their name on the board as a warning, then if they proceed to act up she then goes on to take the green bear out of its train, then put in a yellow bear , and then a red bear goes in if they can't seem to get it together, and then finally off to the principal. Chase everyday when he gets in the car tells me who got their name on the board, who lost their green bear, and whose got yellow and red ones. He is very proud that he hasn't ever lost his green one only gotten his name on the board twice, which he was devastated, for talking too much. He loves buying his lunch which I allow him to do twice a week. He would love to buy everyday but it gets expensive with it being $2 a day. He comes home and we do our homework right away, then practice our sight words, and then work on learning the books of the New testament which he knows all of them and we will see tomorrow at church if he can say them to his teacher and get a new Bible and his picture up on the wall. He is very excited and we are keeping our fingers crossed that he gets it this time.
Kori is loving her preschool as well. She goes everyday from 8:30- 11:30 and she wishes it was all day. Go figure. She has gone on 3 field trips already, bowling, Pizza Hut, to make a pizza, and to the firehouse. She is having the time of her life, learning new songs everyday and coming home to sing them the rest of the day to me. I am surprised at what she memorizes after just a day of learning it. She is learning her letters and of course knows most of them from watching Chase last year learn his and is already learning alot of Chase's sight words for this year. She is my first one up in the morning already wanting to eat breakfast and start getting ready for school- and has only gotten in trouble a couple of times for not sharing- so for her that is very good.
And of course Reef is loving being home with me for a few hours all by himself and then just playing with Kori until we get Chase. He is in to everything all day long. He is constantly trying to climb something that he is not suppose to, but he does get Kori's lunch bag for her and heads to the car. And if I tell him "You want a spanking" he raises his hand and hits himself on the leg before I can get to him. He is a quick learner as well but doesn't always like to do what I tell him, which gets him into alot of trouble. Right now we are trying to get him to stay out of Chase and Kori's room while they are trying to go to bed at night. But he does have personality- I will give him that.
Chase is doing tball this fall and lets just say he needs alot of work. I played softball from the age of 6 to my senior year in high school- so I was very excited about Chase playing tball. Well his first practice he hits the ball off the tee and goes running full speed to second base. I about died. I had worked with him on his throwing, and catching grounders, and covering his glove so the ball wouldn't fall out and his hitting but I guess I left out or just assumed that he knew how to run the bases. Well he has now fixed that and now we are just trying to work on the attention span to last through the whole game- instead of kicking the dirt around, or picking grass, or finding holes int he ground and trying to find out what is inside the hole. The whole game me and Clint are yelling for him to watch the ball, watch the batter, back up first base. So my hope is for him just to master the attention thing before the season is over and I will be happy.
Now on to the sicknesses- the swine flu has been going around down here at our church and a few days ago Reef started having very high fever- so we took him to the doctor which they tested him and put him on tamiflu just in case- well turns out he didn't have the flu but I guess just a cold. He has been getting better, but then last weekend my sister was down and the kids were all playing out back of my parents house and when they came in I noticed red dots on them and just assumed they were chigger bites. Well Chase's cousin aka his BFF had them too and his mom took him to the Dr. and he had chicken pox, well much to say Chase now has them even though he has been vaccinated twice for them, along with my nephew, and a girl from church who all have been vaccinated have the chicken pox. It is sooooo weird- they are not all over- Chase has about 100 spots on him, and they are just in the hot spots of the body, arm pits, ankles, groin area. they don't itch him at all, no fever. So I guess since he has been vaccinated twice he has a very mild case of them. So all in all besides all of that we have a gospel meeting coming up starting tomorrow with Jason Rollo. I am sooo excited and can't wait to see him again. I enjoy listening to him preach the Word. Well I will leave you with that- since the kids are apparently starving.
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