Friday, September 4, 2009

Summer and School

I need to apologize for not writing these past few months- we have had a busy summer and now school is in session so I might have a little more time to blog more. We had a great summer starting off going to the Frio river for our family reunion, then on to Reef's first birthday. In July we took off to my sister's house in Cleburne, TX- and took the kids to the zoo and to Dino world (which Chase and Kori loved), we have been swimming almost daily in my parents pool, playing with friends and family and being fully exhausted every night. In August we started off with our VBS. It was a great week on being Fishers of Men. Me and my friend teach the 1st and 2nd graders and I think that they learned alot. Then a few couples from the church went out bowling one night without kids and had a blast. Its been a crazy fun summer. And now we are finishing up Chase's 2nd week of kindergarten and Kori's 1st week of preschool. Let me tell you how opposite my children are:

Chase was very nervous about the first day of school and even a little scared, but he didn't cry- so that made me a little happier. I ask him everyday if he likes kindergarten yet and he tells me, "not yet mommy"- he does love buying his lunch and carrying a tray around, and playing outside, but isn't all that excited about all the learning and the homework. He is a little hesitate on meeting new friends- he has a boy in his class that goes to church with him which makes kindergarten ALOT better. And I told him that he is good the whole week then I will ride my bike down there to pick him up and we can ride our bikes back home together. Oh yeah and today when I went to drop him off the teacher had put up pictures that they had drawn the day before and his was sharks and they were eating people and he told me that "the sharks were eating Mrs. McVay"(his teacher)- I told him that is wasn't nice and hope that his violent streak won't get him kicked out of school on the 2nd week of school- Oh well!!

OK now on to Kori: she wanted to go to school when Chase did but hers didn't start till that next week. She was mad at me because I didn't just drop her off but took her in. I told her that I would if I could but I have to sign her in and out. She goes in to her class yelling " Good Morning Mrs. Beck." "it me Kori." She had show and tell today in which she was going to give a whole lecture on this one piece of coral that she has- on where she found it(it was given to her), what is does, and a whole bunch of other stuff that she can make up. Kori wants homework- and is mad that she doesn't have any so she does Chase's with him and tell him what ones he is doing wrong. It is quite comical actually how different they are. Oh yeah we had promotion week at church for the kids to more up to the next class- well Chase and Kori are in the same class now this year and in the 4 and 5 year old class they have them start learning their books of the New Testament and they have a chart for who can say them without any help, and they get a bible when they say them all. Well Chase hasn't quite said all of his yet b/c he is anti- learning, and Kori on the first day said to Romans. She was the most excited ever she came out of class yelling "mommy I said 6 of them and I have 6 check marks now isn't that great" She loves to have memory verses. When she was in the 3 year old class they didn't give memory verses and she was very upset about that and would learn Chase's and go in and tell her teachers "her" memory verse. I really hope that she continues this excitement about the Bible and learning all of her life. It makes me very happy that she is so eager to learn new stuff.

So Reef hasn't changed much except for the fact that he is a climber. Chase and Kori were never climbers and I have come to the fact that I really don't like climbers. I have to watch him constantly: he has been found on top of the table eating Kori's food, on top of my computer desk pushing all sorts of buttons, on top of the couch, and from the couch he has made his way on to the bar and in to the sink. He is very loud, screams at Kori when she comes near him, very bossy, loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show he can say "toodles" from the show, mama, dada, papa, Doc, Kori, bye-bye, he can tell you what a horse, dinosaur, sheep, duck , puppy ,and a kitty all say. He still only has 4 teeth, I am beginning to wonder if the other ones are even there, but it doesn't slow him down any when he is eating. He has a toy firetruck that he rides all over the house and it has to be playing the music for him to ride it- so when the music stops so does he and pushes the button again. He is a character and I think that we have our hands full with this one- he is alot like Kori. He gets lots of little spankings all day for climbing, doesn't listen when you tell him no just looks at you and starts laughing and continues with what he was doing. Other than that we have been great and continue to stay busy. Hopefully I can keep this up better and I won't have to write so much the next time. Here are some pics of Chase and Kori's 1st day of school, and one of Reef. Enjoy!!!!


Amy said...

Your kids are just precious!

Eli and Landon are both climbers as well and it drives me crazy too. Mostly because they climb up on something and then fall off and hurt themselves. They also do the laugh in your face when you are telling them "no" thing.

Sounds like such a fun summer!

Kristin said...

Yeah and most of our house is tile floor so it really hurts whenever he falls off- if it was carpet I probably wouldn't mind so much, but that tile is just so hard.