Friday, January 23, 2009


Well its been awhile since my last post but I have some updates on my Papa. He went in yesterday to get a biopsy of his left lower lung and to drain the fluid off again. They were concerned about his heart because his aorta is very narrowed and he has a very high pitch murmur- so they weren't really wanting to do the surgery but they had no other options. Anyways the doctor is pretty sure that the cancer is mesothelioma- which is from him working in the refineries so long ago. They will be 100% sure either today or Monday. He spent the night in ICU last night so hopefully today he will get out and get moved to a room. So please continue to pray for him and our family with some decisions that we will probably be making after we find out the results.

Well we have been very busy this week- we have our county livestock show which the kids love and been spending some time there. We had Chase's first dentist appointment yesterday which he did very well but he has a cavity. Yeah!!! So we will have to get that fixed sometime next week. Reef finally got a clean bill of health yesterday at the doctor's and finally got his 6 month shots a month late. If I haven't mentioned it Reef has had 4 back to back double ear infections during the past 2 months and if has another one then we will be getting tubes put in to his ears. This last time though he had RSV,(which is a respiratory virus in babies and very contagious) so we had to spend several days at home and calling people from Church with little ones and pregnant mothers to let them know they had been exposed. But now he is perfectly healthy which I am so relieved. I hate waiting at Dr.'s offices and was very tired of sick kids. Not fun at all. Other than that everything has been great. So hopefully I will be able to post next week about the results of my papa's tests and the decisions the family has made

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