Well I hope that each and everyone of you had a great and memorable
Thanksgiving. I sure did. We woke up that morning and started making our deviled eggs, and mini candied apples.( which was a task in itself) and Chase and Kori watched the parade and fought most of the morning. At about 11am we packed up our car and headed out to the country to my
granny's house and joined the 53 other family members to our yearly Thanksgiving meal. We had about 11 pies, 2 turkeys(1 fried and 1 regular), 1 ham, 2 broccoli cheese and rice casseroles, stacked salads, fruit salads, millions of homemade rolls, mashed potatoes, green beans, 2
stuffing, and cranberries salads. I am sure that I forgot somethings but you get the point. Finally at sharply 12 noon- when everyone arrived we stepped outside on the beautiful day that it was got in 1 big circle and had a short devotional- in which one cousin read a few scriptures, and then started to talk about what he was thankful for. Very sweet little talk he did. Then after that we sang our 3 songs that we always sing as a family "Count Your Blessings," "Gods Family,", and "Bless Be The Ties." Then we had the prayer and then got in line the older and wiser ones first, then the handicapped ones went next,( I have 2 uncles who are brothers, who are paralyzed) and then the rest of the clan. All of the kids 12 and under ate outside and the rest got to enjoy the AC. It was a great meal which everyone enjoyed
After lunch my brother went and got his 4-wheeler, and his mini-bike., there was a smaller 4-wheeler for the younger kids, about a dozen bikes ,and a wagon. There was basketball, volleyball, and lots of conversation. My sister and my cousin went around taking pictures of the family and great memorable shots. We then tried to get together in between the okra in front of the field for the grand kids, great grand kids, and kid pictures. There are 6 kids which have then gone on to have 20 grand kids, which have then gone on to have 21 great grand kids. Although we were short 4 grand kids, and 8 great grand kids, it was a great day. Here are some pictures of everyone and some others if I can get them.
Here is a picture of me and Reef .

Here is a pic of all the
grandkids and great

Here is a picture of my granny and papa with their kids.

My sisters and I and Reef.

Here is a picture of my Dad and Reef.

Here is Clint on the Mini-bike.

1 comment:
How fun! I love big family gatherings and what a neat tradition to have a devotional before the meal - what a true blessing a whole family of Christians is!
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