My Papa
This past Sunday morning my papa passed away after a very short but painful battle with cancer. It was very sad but at the same time a big relief because we knew that he wasn't hurting anymore and he was off to a way better place than this. He was 78 years old and was one of the most strongest Christians that I knew growing up. He was an elder in the church for 27 1/2 years before he had to step down due to the Alzheimer's. He lived his life the way that God would have intended us to live and he passed that on down to his 6 kids, his 20 grandchildren who are passing it on to his 21 great grand kids that he has. He was the youngest of 8 kids and was converted after he was baptized by watching my granny's example that she led. We had the visitation for him which my uncle had set up a slide show of his life (which was great) and then his 12 year old autistic grandson who doesn't talk much went up to the coffin and his mom asked him "Who is that?" and he said "papa" and then kept giving him kisses and rubbing his head and trying to smooth out his wrinkles on his forehead ( that is one of his OCD's that he has) - it was very sweet, sad, and touching to see him act with him. It was very overwhelming at the amount of people that came to the visitation and the funeral- and how many people were literally "breaking down" at the loss of him. That is the kind of man that he was. He had the best sense of humor, but then was very serious and very stern when needed. He has filled my life with so many memories that I can't even begin to start numbering them or even recalling them. I am glad that I was with him in the end. Me and my sisters sat with him the day before he died and looked at old photos and laughed and played cards, even though he wasn't talking or playing we interacted with him as if he was. Our preacher, my father-in-law, wrote in our bulletin a tribute in a way to him and I would love to copy it for you b/c it sums up just the kind of man that he was. So here it is:
Another soldier of the cross has laid his armor down. Sunday, Buzzy finished his battle for his Lord. What a faithful courageous fight! Often we do not look upon things as God does. He told His own people this in (Isaiah 55:8-9). He says, "Blesses are the dead, who die in the Lord" (Rev. 14:13).
I first met this disciple of Christ several years ago when we began the work at Riverside. It was decided I would preach a Gospel Meeting there and Buzzy came about every evening. A few months later, I conducted another meeting at Bayside; again, Buzzy came just about every night. Soon in my encounters with this man, I believed he truly loved the Lord. We had not been at Riverside long until I heard about the Preacher's Meeting in Portland. On one occasion at that meeting, Buzzy was asked about some problems the Portland church had undergone in years past. He said, "I can't remember, was that the first ulcer or the second." A quality of this man that really impressed me was his love for the Lord's church. Why is this such an admirable quality? Jesus loved the church, and gave Himself for it (Ephesians 5:25). He purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28). When someone loves the church as Buzzy did, we ought to be impressed. This man was one of the ones who really impressed me with the Portland congregation before we ever came to work here. For some time, I have thought of him as one who loved God's truth. what an admirable quality (John 8:32).
When I consider all the loving brethren who have really encouraged me to preach the gospel Buzzy comes to my mind. He would often say to me. "I love to hear you preach the truth, may God bless you for it."
The word that reminds me of this Christian gentleman is the word faithfulness: faithful to the Lord and His church, faithful to his family, faithful to the Word of God. Jesus taught about the importance of this quality (Matthew 10:22).
Buzzy was very serious about serious things, yet he possessed a wonderful sense of humor. He learned a lesson many need to learn: the ability to laugh at himself. I loved to hear him laugh- especially when I caught the little fish and he caught the big one. Even during the hard times, Buzzy had humor. One of my biggest temptations is becoming bitter. His example will help me, if I allow it to do so.
This man was also a humble servant. Jesus spoke of the beauty of serving others (Matthew 20:25-28). Buzzy served as an elder for years, he helped a preacher with an old pick-up, he helped serve refreshments at VBS, he helped prepare with annex for the Preacher's Meeting, he helped Mary Ann with her classroom, he was always ready to help someone in need. During his final days, God allowed some of you who were so close to Buzzy to serve him.
How this faithful servant of the Lord will be missed: by his family, by his congregation, by his community. Our community will not be as blessed as before. Yet, hopefully his example will motivate us all to be more dedicated to our Lord, His Word and His precious church. Thank you Buzzy.
Oh how I pray that one day when I am gone that these same words will be written about me. Something to strive for and to live that God would want me to live. I will miss him dearly, but be glad that he led the life that he had to live to get the reward that he deserves.