Well I have been quite busy this past month getting ready for our big trip to Disney World that we just got back from. We left on February 20th which happened to be Chase's 5th birthday- and flew to Florida. We went as a big group of 10. Me, Clint Chase and Kori (Reef stayed behind with the grandparents). My aunt and uncle and their 3 kids( 2 of which are autistic) and my brother, Travis. We stayed in a very nice condo on a lake and stayed there 7 days. Let me say that it was a blast and the kids had so much fun. They got to meet all of their cartoon characters and were just in awe of everything. I think Kori enjoyed it more b/c she had all of the princesses and Tinkerbell. Chase loved all of the roller coasters even the scary ones which I was glad about. We spent 2 very full days at Magic Kingdom, a day and a half at Animal Kingdom, 1 day at Epcot, and 1/2 a day at Hollywood Studios. We got 2 off days Sunday(which we played putt-putt and paddle boated around the lake in between church, and we took off Wednesday so the guys could go golfing and we just relaxed, washed all the clothes, went to the pool and enjoyed the beautiful weather that we had the whole week. I don't think I could complain about one thing- all of the kids did absolutely better than expected. We thought for sure that we would have to get a stroller for Kori and maybe Chase but didn't have to rent one at all so that saved alot of money. We rented a 12 passenger van for all of us to get around which was an adventure in itself. The kids loved all of the shows and I think all of the grownups did too. Expedition Everest took Clint out of the running for about a day and a half. He rode it twice in a row and then was sick from then till the next day. I would recommend to anyone going there at least once in your lifetime- but you have to be prepared with a list of things you want to see or else you would just walk around in a daze and miss alot of stuff. I'm a list maker so I had every single day mapped out- and even had to redo the itinerary a few times along the way so that we did get to see everything that we wanted to. But I am glad that we are back and got to see Reef again. I think he missed us but had fun being with the grandparents and Jamie. Now I have to get ready for Kori's birthday which is tomorrow by making her her horse cake that she wants and to get ready for my aunts children's consignment sale at the end of April- so I will continue to stay busy for awhile. Wish I could put up all of the pictures but I'm sure you would all be bored with the 600 plus pictures that we took.